The two partners will register together as a team for the tournament. Pool and bracket play will take place. Goal is to guarantee at least 4 games played. Play is on a women’s net where the males are not permitted to hit in front of the 10 foot line nor block the females. The male must serve the male, and the female can serve whomever.
Events Category: Adult
Random Draw 4’s
The two partners will register together as a team for the tournament. After the player meeting, each team’s pair will be drawn randomly where the four will be partnered together for the rest of the tournament. Pool and bracket play follows.
Random Draw Doubles
Each player will sign up individually. After the player meeting, each player’s partner will be drawn randomly where the pair will be partnered together for the rest of the tournament. Pool and bracket play follows. This style is the best way to branch out and meet different people.
Adult/Junior Doubles
The two partners will register together as a team for the tournament. The adult must be 19 years old or older OR spent one day in college partnered with a junior that is 19 or younger and has spent 0 days in college. Pool and bracket play follows. Goal is to guarantee at least 4 games played.
Co-Ed Doubles
The two partners will register together as a team for the tournament. Pool and bracket play follows. Goal is to guarantee at least 4 games played. Most important rule variation for this format is the male MUST SERVE the other male. Women can serve whomever. If male serves the female, the male reserves. If the males serves the female twice in a row, the other team earns the point and serve.
Doubles – Mens/Womens/Juniors
The two partners will register together as a team for the tournament and must both be the same gender and in the correct age group for juniors. Pool and bracket play follows. Goal is to guarantee at least 4 games played.